Lessons / Workshops

Lessons in Munich

Information about: info(at)johannestoniokreusch.com or the contact form (in the “Contact Us” menu)


Workshops, seminars and master classes at music colleges, universities, educational institutions and festivals

(See calendarfor dates )

Many years of teaching activity in the university sector. The workshops and seminars are aimed at Gitarrenlehrer_innen, Musikstudenten_innen, aspiring Musikstudenten_innen and interested lay people.

Depending on the needs and requirements of the participants, the following areas of focus can be worked on:

  • New suggestions for musical interpretation
  • Possible solutions to technical problems
  • Development of a balanced and uncompromising playing posture in order to avoid postural damage and to achieve a freer musical expression
  • Assessment of our own current playing-technical possibilities and development of a specific practice program
  • Source research as an important basis for interpretation (example: manuscripts of the etudes and preludes by Heitor Villa-Lobos)
  • Dealing with one’s own creativity through free play (no prior knowledge of improvisation required)
  • The fingernails of the plucking hand (shape and resistance)
  • Ensemble play

“Just as well as as an interpreter, Johannes Tonio Kreusch was also able to convince as a committed, dynamic and, as it were, sensitive lecturer. With an unmistakable sense of what the student sitting in front of him expects from him, or what the individual wants in terms of help, he designed the always exciting podium lessons. Thus, the individual lessons were very different not only because of the different repertoire. This ranged from very practical technical assistance, to the development of favorable fingerings, the filing of interpretive details, and the consultation, which takes place almost on a psychological level. Kreusch always shows his enthusiasm and love for music and lets them jump on the students.

Skillfully and variedly, Kreusch also manages to relax the often stressful situation of the podium lessons, to loosen the student and thus really open up to new content. This was demonstrated not least by the significant and clearly audible progress. Free from dogmas, Johannes Tonio Kreusch deals very responsibly with the musical identity of his students and serves them as companions on the way to a musical and expressive lecture. In doing so, he repeatedly tries to take the often self-generated pressure of supposed standards from them. (…)

In the end, there was a general spirit of awakening among the participants, who were filled with a decent dose of fresh motivation and a desire to experiment. They had experienced a lecturer who has a lot to say, but who does so in such an unpretentious and self-evident but at the same time inspiring way, as is the case only with the very big ones.”

Concertino-Musikmagazin about a seminar by Johannes Tonio Kreusch at the Hamburg Guitar Days